ICN 2021 Congress newsletter – 3

ICN 2021 Congress newsletter – 3
19 April 2021

The International Council of Nurses is continuing to plan for its ICN 2021 Congress, which will be held virtually for the first time. The Congress will take you on a unique journey of “Nursing Around the World”, with a traveling hub that moves across the globe over a three-day period from 2-4 November 2021.



We will soon be announcing more inspiring speakers to join nursing and healthcare advocate Her Royal Highness Princess Muna al-Hussein of Jordan, and former New Zealand Premier Helen Clark, who have already been confirmed.



ICN received 4,976 abstracts from 105 different countries by the extended March 15 deadline, with a 50-50 split between pre-recorded concurrent sessions and electronic poster presentations. Our panel of experts is still reviewing the submissions and applicants will be notified of their decisions in May. Successful applicants must register for their place at Congress by June 9.



Themes that will be prominent throughout the Congress include:

COVID-19 – The global response. This theme will examine the factors that contributed to this crisis and the global response to it.

Mental Health and COVID-19: Caring for the community. The pandemic has disrupted or halted critical mental health services in 93% of countries worldwide. This theme focuses on the work of nurses in protecting, promoting and managing mental health.

Harnessing the power of technology to transform healthcare. This theme looks at the importance of technological innovations in nursing education and practice.

Solving the global nursing workforce crisis. With a global nursing shortage of six million nurses and another four million intending to retire by 2030, this theme will focus on actions needed to address the worldwide nursing shortage.

COVID-19: Disruptive impacts and transformative opportunities in nursing education. This theme focuses on the disruption to education and the potential to capitalise on the opportunities posed from the crisis.


Regional Sessions

Over the three days, the theme of “Nursing Around the World” will be actively demonstrated through regional sessions that will cover the six ICN regions across the world. They will provide an insight into the regions’ nurses’ responses during the pandemic, the challenges they face daily and the future of nursing. The voices of frontline nurses, patients and high-profile personalities from within the region will bring a unique insight into the nursing profession during a global crisis.

In addition, Partner Symposia will be led by renowned experts who will share their insights into latest nursing practice, research, education and professional issues, and exploring cutting edge nursing and health topics from a global perspective.